Money is a Giant Pyramid Scheme on the Verge of Collapse

The pumpkins will soon come tumbling down

Liam M
4 min readDec 1, 2022


Foto von Thomas Mengwasser: Pexels

They say that money makes the man; it is a status symbol. There’s no denying that. Money makes you happy, better, and more powerful than your poorer peers.

Our relationship with money is incredibly toxic. Honestly, it is not okay.

You shouldn’t become emotionless towards money. After all, you need money, food, warmth and shelter. Money should be used to meet those emotional and psychological needs and should not be put on a pedestal.

Aside from personal factors, there are other problems surrounding money.

There’s the cultural narrative. And then there are the rules of the financial system and the economy.

It is these hidden rules that dictate our daily lives. And at a grander scale, these rules govern who wins and loses in life- who has the power and who is powerless.

Money even dictates who can break the rules of the game.

Just look at the monetary system.

Banks can just create money out of thin air. It’s not like they actually have the money to pay you. No, they make new money every time they process a loan.

“Commercial [i.e. high-street] banks create money, in the form of bank deposits, by making new loans. When a bank makes a loan, for example, to someone taking out a mortgage to buy a house, it does not typically do so by giving them thousands of pounds worth of banknotes. Instead, it credits their bank account with a bank deposit of the size of the mortgage.”

Therefore money is produced on a computer. The government prints nothing, no pieces of paper or metal enter the system.

Magic numbers on a computer screen

The bank just magically creates a loan and feeds more money into the system.

So I mean — in a way, it’s like a very clever Ponzi scheme. More money is being loaned, meaning more money is created, signifying that the economy is growing. Because of this, the economy has to keep growing, and the system needs more people to work to earn, AKA “produce” the…



Liam M

I grew up as a black bag, but now I identify as human. Top writer in; cryptocurrency, finance, sobriety, addiction, & bitcoin